The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

It is one thing for people to have an opinion and to voice that opinion. Knowing where you stand on things is important, being willing to take in new information and change your opinion is just as important. But the world was never changed by someone just having an opinion. Your country, your state, your community: none of them have been changed by an opinion alone. We have to take action if we want to change the world, or anything at all.

And yes, this applies to our relationships too.

Your relationship won’t be changed by simply having an opinion on what needs to be changed. We’ve all heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words,” but how often do we take a serious look at our own behavior? (Please, don’t discredit the power of your words, especially in your relationships.) Are we acting in a way that demonstrates our opinions? It is a good first step to say, think, and believe in something. But true change does not come until you act upon those beliefs and lead by example.

Do you want your partner to love you better? Lead by example.

Do you want your kids to be respectful? Lead by example.

Do you want your friends to talk kindly of their spouses? Lead by example.

Do you want to change the world we live in? Lead by example.

You have more power to impact the people around you and let them see the value behind your opinion by simply living out your truth. People are more likely to learn from watching your consistent example than they are to learn by hearing your opinion.

Before you say to your significant other, “A good partner would help around the house more,” you should set the example of doing what would be helpful to your partner. Before you say, “Our relationship would be stronger if we just communicated better,” you should set the example of healthy communication.

Do you want to fight less? Show your partner forgiveness and grace.

Do you want to feel more loved? Go out of your way to make your partner feel loved.

Do you want to feel secure in your relationship? Make sure your partner feels secure.

It all starts when we lead by example.