be nice

Although it seems simple, some of the best advice we have for couples is simply, “be nice to each other.”


Quite often, couples who end up at Great Marriages are nicer to strangers than they are the person they’re in a relationship with. We know it’s not always easy, and after fights and stress and all the other stuff, you might not like your partner right now. But we assure you, things won’t get better unless you remember to be nice. At times, you won’t like your significant other but being nice to them is the only way to break the cycle. Being nice is the only way you’ll be able to begin working through conflict.

If you want things to improve, remember you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. 

Being nice also demonstrates to your partner that you respect them. Respect is key in building and maintaining a marriage. You can’t be passive aggressive if you are being genuinely nice. You can’t ignore someone’s needs and wants if you are being nice. We know it can be difficult in the face of struggles, but we challenge you to think about all your interactions with your significant other and say to yourself, “Am I being nice?” See how things change.