Couple-to-Couple Mentoring

Great Marriages makes extensive use of mentors who are trained and certified in marriage mentoring and provide couple-to-couple, face-to-face sessions educating and promoting communication and conflict resolution skills. We are mentors, not trained counselors or therapists. We experienced trials and tribulations in our marriages over the years and wish to share with you how we were able to work together through our problems and grow stronger both individually and as a couple.

Prepare and Enrich is our curriculum for the mentoring program. We use it for married, engaged, or seriously dating couples that want to strengthen and enrich their relationship. Couples meet individually with trained, certified marriage mentors (married 20+ years) to learn skills that will aid in overcoming any challenges to build a happy, healthy relationship and a strong, life-long marriage. This program is specifically tailored to each couple. There are 6-10 weekly sessions, depending on the need.

Fee: Relationship Inventory is $35* - Mentoring sessions are FREE.

*The mentoring program begins with an online inventory from Prepare and Enrich. This inventory costs $35. The results of the inventory are used by mentors to target the free sessions. Great Marriages receives no funds for mentoring. All mentors are trained and certified through the Prepare and Enrich program.

Call 920.783.6142 to inquire about signing up for our mentoring sessions. You must register by phone for this program.