Blended Families Can Be Rewarding

Being in a blended family It may not always be easy, but it will be worth it! Gayla Grace, author of “Quiet Moments for the Stepmom Soul” points out just a few of the many rewarding aspects of being in a blended family!

Ability to Persevere
Stepfamily relationships don't come together without effort. Even then, they might not be the relationships you envision, but if you keep moving in a forward direction, you will bask in the satisfaction that you persevered when it would have been easier to quit.

Skills to Fight Fair
Instead of hurling the last word at my husband, I began listening and considering his feelings and opinions. I learned how to express my needs and deal with conflict as it occurred, or step away and wait for a calm moment when necessary. Other relationships benefitted from the healthy conflict-resolution skills I learned in the early years of remarriage.

Joy in the Moment
Stepfamily relationships can move from hot to cold in a matter of seconds. Unpredictable situations taught me to embrace moments of love and laughter. I look for joy in the moment and savor it.

The Power to Make a Difference
Stepparents make a daunting decision to love someone else's child with few guarantees of what they’ll receive in return. When you least expect it, however, you'll recognize your influence in their lives. Your stepchild may never acknowledge your efforts, but if you work to be a positive influence, you can delight in knowing you've made a difference.

A Strong Marriage that Lasts
I love to gaze at the oak trees in our yard during storms. While other trees sway and break from strong winds, the oaks hardly move. Their deep roots and strong wood protect them from damage. The same is true of a stepfamily marriage. The storms of stepfamily trials help your relationship grow deep roots and strong branches. As you work through difficulties, you gain confidence to tackle whatever comes next. Eventually, your marriage is strong enough to master any storm.

Quoted from San Diego Family Magazine