Look for ways to move forward instead of ways out!

Sometimes things in relationships can get really difficult!

This happens in all kinds of relationships, but especially in marriage. There will be times when you feel like you cannot move forward, like the fight is too big or too hard, or that you just don’t feel like working on it. There may even be times when you feel like looking for ways out of the relationship.

It’s during these struggles that we encourage you to find a way forward instead of a way out.


Finding ways forward can be easier said than done, so here’s some helpful tips!

1. Give Each Other Time And Space

After an argument with your partner, it’s important to give each other time and space. A little time and space can give you each a chance to calm down and consider the situation logically as well as emotionally.

2. Feel Your Feelings

When you take a break from your partner, allow yourself to feel your feelings and reflect on the situation. Once you both feel calmer, you may be ready to talk about the fight.

3. Use I Statements

To repair your relationship after an argument you need to be able to communicate effectively. When you explain things from your own perspective, your partner is less likely to get defensive, and more likely to listen.

4. Actively Listen

It is important to put down your phone, turn off the television, and make sure there are no other distractions. The focus should be on really understanding your partner’s point of view, not on what you want to say.

5. Take A Break If Needed

There is nothing wrong with taking a break from the conversation if you really need it, but using this tactic too often can interfere with the ability to repair effectively.

6. Apologize And Reconnect

An effective apology can go a long way towards repairing your relationship. To reconnect after the apology, you want to let your partner know that you are on the same side.

7. Make A Plan For The Future

By using what you learned during this process, you can now make a plan going forward to help you navigate future disagreements more effectively. Come up with a way that you can do things differently in the future so these needs are addressed.

Quoted from Keir Brady Counseling Services